Crouch Hill, North London

This small North London garden was passed over to me to take care of after it had been created in the Autumn of 2021 by Head Gardener St.John Stephen. The owner of this garden wanted to be part of the gardening process, she was keen to start growing annuals by seed and had the desire to become confident in her own garden. Being able to share this garden so intimately with the owner was a wonderful experience and I encourage anyone who wants to get into their own garden to make this request of their gardener too!

The Autumn edit, I removed some invasive Anemone and created space for Solidago and Hellebores.

Rose arch install for the mature climbing rose.

After installing the rose arch, a second Clematis was added. This would mirror the Clematis ‘Etoile Violette’ on the opposing fence and flower the following summer.


Kensal, West London


Tufnell Park, North London